”Famous Last Words” by Ray Robinson

What better time of the year to bring insightful quotes or laughter to the bedside of the dying

book cover for "famous last words" by ray RobinsonAs we near the end of the year preparing our final New Year’s farewells, what better time to review Famous Last Words; Fond Farewells, Deathbed Diatribes and Exclamations Upon Expirations compiled by Ray Robinson, a collection of final farewells from the bed of the dying.

A precious itty bitty hardcover book, I have had a copy at my desk since the launch of SevenPonds. I refer to it every now and then for a good laugh or some SevenPonds inspiration.

“I knew it. I knew it. Born in a hotel room- and God damn it- died in a hotel room.”

-Eugene O’Neill

Beautifully bound, its retro feel harks back in time with a slew of great famous last words throughout history. As the cover indicates, the quotes are a mixture of humor and memorable words, most being from the flavorful 19th and 20th century. It’s the kind of book you casually pick up to drink up, or toast along with, each quote.

“You get on with your life. I’ve got to go.”

– Seattle Slew

Each page has a short description to both set up and spice up the famous last words, As the author notes:


Madame De Pompadour
Credit: en.wikipedia.org

“So here they are, the parting words of poets, philosophers, athletes, scoundrels, politicians, gangsters, movie stars, lawyers, soldiers, pilots, tycoons, and the condemned, plus a handful of epitaphs and eulogies – not strictly last words, I know, but too good to pass up.”

– Ray Robinson

Ray recalls after his father’s death, opening his father’s big black safe in his Manhattan office to discover only an empty Coca-Cola bottle, torn long johns and a piece of paper with a quote. He learned something more about his father and thus began his preoccupation with compiling this book.

“Wait a second.”

– Madame De Pompadour

What better way to exit life then with a good hearty laugh or a profound statement. And judging by the many famous authors in this book, this is a well-embraced idea. This would make a great gift for a person dying who is able to openly talk about dying and would love some good laughs too.

Be it exit lines at last breaths, this book is a gem.


Check out our book reviews here.

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