Pleasure Healing: The Hand-Sized Guide to Self-Healing

Step-by-step mindful practices for starting a new life after grief

During a recent visit to the Kabuki Gardens of San Francisco’s Japantown (where I’d stopped in for a Swedish massage), I picked up the delightful read Pleasure Healing: Mindful Practices & Sacred Spa Rituals For Self-Nurturing. As I waited for my masseuse to come collect me, I nestled into one of their cozy lounges, poured myself a glass of citrus-infused water and thumbed through this book. The mindful practice exercises quickly piqued my interest — but it was not until a few weeks later, during a two-day stay at the Sea Ranch north of San Francisco, that I was able to really sit down with the insightful lessons of Pleasure Healing. I realized it’s the perfect road map for my own personal healing as I emerge from a unique grieving process.

Pleasure Healing is not specifically written for those who are suffering a loss, but it is a highly applicable, concise read to inspire those who are ready to reclaim their lives during or following grief. The title may give the impression that the book is solely focused on spa themes, but spa references are only a small part of what is discussed. Rather, Pleasure Healing aims to teach its readers how to engage in the healing pleasures life has to offer our mind and body. It leads chapter-by-chapter mindful practices to cleanse and strengthen, preparing for change. It approaches self-healing holistically, from breathing, mediation and motion to touch, scent, ritual and more. This sensual book ends with the art of visualization — of transforming yourself to the new you in your new life.

The Sea Ranch

Short chapters allow for a leisurely read, while each subject provides delightful insight and exercises, for either dipping your toe or fully emerging in mindful practice. I’m not usually one to read a “spa book,” but Pleasure Healing fully captivated my interest — and ultimately inspired me. My personal top pick practice is the self-massage called Abhyanga in Chapter 7. For all the many types of massages I’ve received in my life, I had never thought to give myself one! What an excellent gift to give yourself — the cathartic, healing act of rubbing away grief and stress with your own hands. To find out how, pick up a copy of Pleasure Healing for step-by-step instructions. I highly recommend it!

Pleasure Healing is the perfect gift for anyone coping with a loss. It provides the self-nurturing mindful practices one needs to surmount grief and truly begin a new life. And it lasts longer than a day at the spa!

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