Our Monthly Tip: Plan a Colorful Celebration of Life

Decorating with joyous color or a memorial party can help cultivate feelings of true celebration
Image of a colorful party or celebration of life

Credit: pinterest.com

Our Tip of the Month

The nature of a memorial party’s decorations have the power to express the personality of the person being honored. A loved one’s memorial party or celebration of life need not be a somber occasion, especially if they weren’t a particularly somber person! For the colorful people in your life who have died, why not plan a colorful celebration of life? Color often indicates life and joy — color gives life to the living, too.

Image of celebration of life memorial party

Colorful place settings and keepsake gifts at each place setting complete the colorful
look and feel
Credit: mdprovencal.blogspot.com

How-To Suggestions

Some easy ways to incorporate bright color into a celebration of life include bright and bold paper lanterns, paper flowers, and balloons. Bouquets of real flowers, greenery and colorfully painted vases add more organic vibrancy. Confetti, fun glassware, and a colorful backdrop decorated with photos of the person who died can also add to the feeling that you are there to celebrate someone.

When inviting people to the celebration of life, let them know it will be a colorful occasion, and invite them to wear a piece of clothing or an accessory that makes them feel bright and joyous. Do not make it mandatory or pressure them to do so, of course. But inviting people to participate in the colorful celebration of life can provide another avenue for connection.

As for which color to choose, try using the favorite colors of the person who died as a guide, or simply choose ones that you think would bring them joy. A celebration of life can take many forms, but by its definition, it is intended to be joyful. The bright colors can help encourage attendees to share, celebrate, and really steep themselves in the positive memories of their loved one who died.

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