Our Monthly Tip
When a friend loses a spouse, they tend to cloister themselves for months or even years. They may not be up for receiving guests much, if at all. Letting them know you are thinking of them can be a way to offer your concern while respecting their need to be alone. One way to show your friend that you’re thinking of them long after the funeral is over is to send a collection of postcards over time.
How-To Suggestions
Find lovely artisan postcards on a site such as Etsy. You can purchase a set of postcards with a theme that matches your friend’s relationship with their spouse.
After the funeral, guests may not think of the person who died or their mourners very often. However, the bereaved spouse feels their loss constantly, especially in the beginning stages of grief. By sending a postcard every week or every month for a while, you show your friend that you have not forgotten them or their loss. The cards let them know you are always thinking of them.
Did your friend garden with their spouse? Did they travel to the same location each year? A theme can draw together the postcard pictures as well as the words you wish to express on each card sent. You are reaching out with each postcard and presenting your friend with messages filled with love and care.
Keep the words simple and genuine from your heart. Saying the name of the loved one will bring happy memories to your friend. Most people are afraid to talk about the person who died, so recalling a memory and writing their name can be joyful. Each card may be a snippet of a memory or words of care from you to them.