Welcome to the SevenPonds.com blog – a community-driven extension of SevenPonds.com! I hope you find comfort and community in the resources and stories featured here. I’m always happy to hear from readers and can be reached at suzette@sevenponds.com.
Funeral Favors Offer Visitors a Tangible Memento:
Printed or engraved items allow for a personal touch -
“Comeback” by Prince:
Prince expresses his grief over the loss of his infant son -
“Other Side” Documents Woman’s Fight To Die As She Wishes:
Film paints intimate portrait of an activist and her family as she wins rights for herself and others
Tag Archives: Memory
“They say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time.”
- Banksy
Posted in A Rite of Passage
Tagged Artist Quotes, Banksy, Banksy Quotes, Memorial, Memory, Name, Quotes about Death, Quotes about Life, Quotes about Memory
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With So Many New Websites and Apps About End of Life Cropping Up Each Day
Is anyone out there doing their homework?
Over the last 15 years I’ve witnessed the creation of many different websites aimed at new approaches around end of life. I’m not talking about basic websites with pragmatic information (like us.) No, I’m talking about high-tech, farther-reaching ideas. I’ve … Continue reading
“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.”
- Norman Cousins
Our Weekly Tip: Create Beads from Memorial Flowers
Turn memorial flowers into beautiful beads and jewelry as a way to remember and cherish your loved one
Our Tip of the Week: Flowers are a thoughtful and traditional way to cherish lost loved ones and grieve their departures. Floral arrangements have long been a way for guests at a memorial service to pay their respects and offer … Continue reading
Posted in Practical Tips
Tagged Art, beads, create, creative, creative memorial, Flowers, Jewelry, Love, Memorial Flowers, Memorial Tips, Memories, Memory, Practical Tips
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Artist Dario Robleto: Heaven is Being a Memory to Others
Contemporary Artist Dario Robleto explores the relationship between death and memory
The 2008 Frye Art Museum exhibit, Heaven is Being a Memory to Others, provided a space for artists to present pieces about death, life and memory in conversation – particularly artists like Dario Robleto. The show was described as having … Continue reading
Posted in Soulful Expressions
Tagged Contemporary Art, Creatvity, Dario Robleto, Death, Death and art, Emma Frye, Frye Art Museum, Grieving, Life and Death, Loss, Memory, memory and loss, Mourning, Patsy Cline
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