
Our Beginning
Summer Memories at Seven Ponds

Summer memories at Seven Ponds

While this marks the first entry into the SevenPonds blog, this is not the very beginning. The beginning was all the summers I spent with my Swiss-born grandparents, Otto and Ida Gilomen, at their home on the shores of Seven Ponds, a group of seven small glacier-cut lakes in Metamora, Michigan. The person I am today is greatly shaped by the time I spent with my grandparents and my heartfelt memories of Seven Ponds. Both my inspiration for and my progressive views about the end of life originate at the Seven Ponds lakes, where my grandparents’ ashes are scattered.

Life is an amazing process full of intense experiences all culminating to an inevitable end. How that end comes about is a completely different experience for each of us. The end of life should be treated as an important occasion, just as every day of our life should be.

After recently going through the experience of losing someone very close to me, I was impacted in such a way that everything was put into slow motion. While it may have been my way of coping, I mentally slowed the train of life. I wanted to feel every possible second, as if I was desperately reaching out to feel and see everything about that person I loved so much, no matter how painful. In a way, this numbing pain I felt actually enhanced my ability to grasp each and every second of my own life. On the surface, nothing may seem positive about the end of a loved one’s life, but life endings can offer amazing lessons to the living.

This blog is the beginning for a place to discuss and share contemporary views about the personal journey of death that we will all encounter at some point in our lives. SevenPonds provides an exclusive place for like minds seeking cremation or natural burial to exchange, reflect, learn, and heal. No matter how death may impact you, only you know how it feels. I welcome all of your thoughts and comments, and, weekly, I offer my thoughts. Together, we will build an ongoing dialogue. I also offer a warm shoulder, an open ear, and occasional soft tears. Seven Ponds is a wonderful place I have always loved, and I’d love to share it with you. Welcome
and thank you for visiting.

Suzette Sherman, Founder

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2 Responses to SevenPonds

  1. avatar Barbara Crosby says:

    Seven Ponds really touched my heart. Thank you Suzette for putting together this for people to come together and share their experiences, and their journey with their loved one. Every death is so unique and has so much to teach each and every one. Maybe someday I will be able to share my experiences and I pray it will help myself and reach someone out there.

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  2. avatar Carolyn Irish says:

    Thank you for being here! I am a Hospice Nurse. However, I have always been aware of our mortality since my Dad struggled for his life during my first few years of life and I grew up hearing/knowing about it.
    Our society misses out on so much richness and beauty by the pervasive denial of the inevitable. If only we could all be brave enough to witness and be midwives for our own, we could all learn so much and be transformed as individuals…

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