Welcome to the SevenPonds.com blog – a community-driven extension of SevenPonds.com! I hope you find comfort and community in the resources and stories featured here. I’m always happy to hear from readers and can be reached at suzette@sevenponds.com.
Funeral Favors Offer Visitors a Tangible Memento:
Printed or engraved items allow for a personal touch -
“Comeback” by Prince:
Prince expresses his grief over the loss of his infant son -
“Other Side” Documents Woman’s Fight To Die As She Wishes:
Film paints intimate portrait of an activist and her family as she wins rights for herself and others
Author Archives: Melissa Gouty
The Ripple Effect of Grief
How an accidental killing forever changed a man's life
This is Suzette’s story as told by Melissa Gouty. Our “Opening Our Hearts” stories are based on people’s real-life experiences. By sharing these experiences publicly, we hope to help our readers feel less alone in their grief and, ultimately, to … Continue reading
What is the Treatment for Complicated Grief?
An interview with Dr. Katherine Shear, founder, Center for Complicated Grief, Part Two
Dr. M. Katherine Shear is an internist and psychiatrist widely recognized for her work in bereavement studies. She has developed a targeted psychotherapy, Complicated Grief Treatment, for people unable to move forward after a loss, which has proved to be … Continue reading
What is Complicated Grief?
An interview with Dr. Katherine Shear, Founder of Center for Complicated Grief at Columbia School of Social Work, Part One
An internist and psychiatrist, Dr. Kathy Shear is widely recognized for her work in bereavement studies. She has developed a targeted psychotherapy, Complicated Grief Treatment which has proved to be efficacious in three different trials. Editor’s note: This interview has … Continue reading
“Why Walk When You Can Fly?” by Mary Chapin Carpenter
A song that urges living life to the fullest
“In this world there’s a whole lot of trouble, baby, In this world, there’s a whole lot of pain. . .” Anyone grieving the death of a loved one, reeling from a terminal diagnosis, or struggling after a tragedy can … Continue reading