Funeral Favors Offer Visitors a Tangible Memento

Printed or engraved items allow for a personal touch


Old-fashioned silver keys lined up on a wooden shelf with printed keychains dangling.

Printed or engraved keychains make a useful and attractive funeral favor.

Immediate family members aren’t the only ones who might want a keepsake by which to remember your loved one. Just as it’s become customary to give out wedding favors printed or engraved with the names and date of the event, a growing number of families are giving out funeral favors with the name, birth and death dates of the person who has died. Some of the same companies and artisans that supply wedding favors can also create funeral favors.

Favor Ideas

Here are examples of keepsakes guests can take as remembrances of your loved one:

  • Custom-printed packets of seeds. Some of your guests might use the seeds, leading to flowers, grasses or herbs that will blossom in honor of your loved one. Even if they don’t, the packet is an attractive memento.
  • Votive or tea light candle holders, perhaps in a shape that reminds them of your loved one, such as a heart, an angel, a religious symbol or a favorite animal.
  • Bookmarks allow the freedom to choose an appropriate design to represent your loved one. Many funeral bookmarks include a photo and a poem or passage.
  • Engraved metal keychains or personalized shot glasses.
  • A handwritten card for a recipe your loved one often made. Add their name, birth and death dates on the back, either using your favorite design program or in script. Scan it and have it printed and laminated and give out copies.
Six people in black clothes, seated in three rows opposite a funeral flower arrangement.

Family and friends will appreciate a tangible memento of your loved one.

How To Give Out Favors

There is no formal etiquette when it comes to funeral favors, as it’s a relatively recent trend. You could assign a person to hand out the favors as people enter or leave — friends often ask if there’s a way they can help. Alternatively, you could arrange the favors on a table near the door for people to take.

Where To Get Favors

You can shop for favors locally or from suppliers online. Each option has pros and cons.

Many promotional printing companies sell printed or engraved favors on their own websites, or on eBay, Etsy or Amazon. But online purchases introduce the possible drawbacks of shipping: time and cost. Those favors will be no good to you if they arrive after the funeral is over. A refund policy should offer a money-back guarantee that your printed or engraved items will arrive on time. A high shipping charge could also be a deal-breaker.

Going with a local printing or engraving company might cost more, but you’ll save on shipping, and you’ll be supporting a local small business.

In all cases, check reviews on Yelp or Google before deciding.

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