Our Monthly Tip: Making a Glass Mosaic to Memorialize Your Loved One

Create a beautiful memorial for your loved ones

Our Tip of the Month

mosaic in memory of a death

Mosaic memory art on the wall
Credit: derby.co

A glass mosaic is a piece of art or an image made from small pieces of colored glass. Several years ago, I had a friend who was an artist who died very young. Before her death, she became very interested in making mosaics. After she died, I decided to make a glass mosaic in her memory. The mosaic that I made got destroyed during a move, but I will never forget the feeling of smooth glass clicking through my fingers as memories of my friend tumbled through my mind.

How-to Suggestion

Find a piece of backing. A piece of cardboard is fine. You may prefer white so it doesn’t clash with the colors of the glass.

Next, assemble a collection of glass chips. You can get them online or in a craft store. Another option, the one preferred by my friend, is to haunt thrift stores in search of interesting pieces of glass. Once she had found the colors she wanted, she would take them home and smash them to small pieces on her cement patio. This method is lots of fun and very creative, but you have to be careful not to cut yourself on the shards of glass.

mosaic in memory of a loved one

Mosaic in memory of sea wave vacations with a loved one
Credit: derby.co

Next, decide how you want to arrange your glass. You may want to paste a photograph of your loved one on the backing. Then draw any designs you want to make with the glass. Some people sketch out elaborate patterns. Others don’t draw any designs at all and let the art develop as they paste.

Next, use a small brush — a makeup brush or a toothbrush will work well — and use the brush to spread glue on the back of a piece of glass. Then press it on the backing. When you are finished, allow the glass mosaic to sit for several hours to allow the glue to dry.

If you like the way the work turns out, you may want to have it professionally framed to protect it. That way, your glass mosaic can avoid the fate of mine.

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