Our Monthly Tip: Create an Easy, Beautiful DIY Memorial Table Floral Arrangement

Make the memorial table as special as your loved one

Our Monthly Tip:

A memorial table, or memory table, is a special space at a celebration of life. You can display photos of your loved one, showcase items that were dear to them, or decorate it to match your loved one’s personality. You can also easily bring light and color to the space by creating these lovely submerged floral arrangements with little money and effort.

How-To Suggestions:

You will need clear vases. Cylinder shapes will work best for this decor, but you could experiment with round, globe-like vases as well. These vases can easily be purchased at the dollar store or any big-box store such as Target or Walmart.

Fill the vases about halfway with water. Now it’s time to work with your flowers. You can purchase fresh stems from the grocery store or local farmer’s market. Choose a kind of flower that the person you are honoring loved, or simply pick stems in complimentary colors. The choice is yours.

Once you are ready to arrange the decoration, you must cut the stems with a sharp knife or scissors. You can do this under running water to help the process. Cut the stems so that the flower is a little shorter than the chosen vase.

You can then arrange the flowers as you please in the half-filled vase. Be sure not to overcrowd the vase as being able to see through the water creates the light, airy feel. Once the flowers are as you desire, you can fill the rest of the vase with water so that the flowers are fully submerged.

After filling a few vases, you can arrange them on your memorial table with tea lights or other candles. This touch of beautiful nature will bring a sense of celebration to your service. Your loved one’s photos or mementos surrounded by bright flowers is a lovely way to honor them.

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