What is DNA Banking? An Interview with Jeff Harbeson, Part One

The DNA Memorial offers the bereaved a chance to keep the DNA of their dead loved ones close and accessible for future medical advances

Today, in the first part of a two-part interview, SevenPonds speaks with Jeff Harbeson, the CEO of CG Labs in Ontario, Canada, and the founder of Family Choice Funerals and Cremations, a Virginia-based company with a vision of becoming the only six sigma operating platform and franchise funeral home model in the United States. The Harbeson Group’s innovative spirit is founded on the principle of providing the consumers with all the information needed to make an educated funeral decision. Combining his military and business expertise, Jeff’s entrepreneurial spirit puts him in the forefront of funeral and DNA markets, while his funeral blog, The Funeral Commander offers a distinct view of the funeral industry based on Jeff’s own extensive experience in the field. Today Jeff is discussing the history of the DNA Memorial, giving an overview of the DNA storing process and explaining the benefits of preserving the family DNA.

Jeff Harbeson, the founder of DNA Memorial

Jeff Harbeson
(Credit: Calebwilde.com)

Julie: First of all, how did you become introduced to the field of funeral industry?

Jeff: After 20 years in the military, I got recruited by a casket company. Since then I’ve developed two funeral homes from the ground up, that provided me the platform to assist developing DNA Memorial for use and distribution to the funeral industry. As a funeral professional, I realized that offering to collect DNA from a deceased person would be a tremendous value to those left behind. I believe that funeral directors have an obligation to share information to consumers that cremation is irreversible; the cremation process destroys DNA, and after burial, disinterment is costly emotionally and financially. That is why I am working to grow DNA Memorial in the funeral service industry. I’m a true funeral service entrepreneur.

Julie: What sparked the idea of a DNA Memorial?

Jeff: Our family has a history of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). My wife’s uncle is the professional baseball player and Hall of Famer Jim “Catfish” Hunter. Jim died in 1999 as a result of complications of ALS and in 2006, my wife’s first cousin Gary Hunter died of ALS as well. My wife and our 2 sons have the same bloodline, and I realized that neither Jim nor Gary’s DNA (genetic record) are available after their respective deaths for any genome sequencing. In February, this year, researchers have identified a new gene that is associated with Lou Gehrig’s disease, which is another reason that DNA research is important.

“It may not seem important today, but in 16 years, your daughter may find out she has a genetic disease, and if we have a genetic sample, we can monitor her DNA. We’re seeing every day that medical research is advancing.” — Jeff Harbeson

Julie: How do you preserve your samples?

Jeff: We have created a proprietary process of extracting DNA from a non-invasive mouth swab or body hair sample, binding the DNA to a substrate, which can be stored/banked at room temperature indefinitely. Basically, we have created a process that consumers may keep a sample of their own (or deceased loved one’s) DNA securely at home.

DNA Memorial

DNA Vial
(Credit: DNAmemorial.com)

Julie: What are the benefits of storing DNA?

Jeff: The more the family has of its own information, the better off they are. Angelina Jolie is a good example. Her mother died of breast cancer, but Angelina had a sample of her DNA, and was able to monitor her own. Physicians surmised that she had an 87% chance of contracting breast cancer. When her own cancer gene, BRCA1, was mutating to the same extent as her mother’s — remember that it’s the mutation rates that are measured — she was able to take preventative measures.

Julie: How does storing DNA help prevent genetic disorders in the future?

Jeff: Every time we visit a doctor, one of the first questions is about family history. It may not seem important today, but in 16 years, your daughter may find out she has a genetic disease and, if you have a genetic record from various family members, medical professionals can monitor her DNA. We’re seeing every day that medical research is advancing.

DNA vial of a dead loved one can be stored at home

DNA Home Banking Vial
Credit: DNAmemorialuk.com

Julie: Is disease prevention the main reason for your clients’ storing of DNA?

Jeff: Our customers are particularly interested in the medical aspects of preserving genetic records. When you go to a doctor, the first thing that the doctor will ask is “what is your medical history?” In the future, this question may become superfluous.

Julie: How are the DNA Memorial samples stored?

Jeff: They are stored at a lab facility in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Canada has some of the strictest privacy laws about DNA in the world. However, ninety percent of people keep it at home. The consumers have their own access. In essence, you are personally protecting the DNA of your loved one.

Julie: Are there any legal issues?

Jeff: In the US, nothing bars consumers from keeping or banking DNA in their home.

“I believe that funeral directors have an obligation to share information to consumers that cremation is irreversible; the cremation process destroys DNA…” — Jeff Harbeson

A secure DNA facility in Thunder Bay, Ontario

Thunder Bay, Ontario
(Credit: CGLabscorp.com)

Julie: I remember a few years ago there was a lot of concern about insurance companies and DNA.

Jeff: If insurance companies bank and store DNA, they can say, “We see you have a propensity for disease,” and deny insurance. We do not test the DNA for genealogical or medical purposes; we simply provide a sample with long term banking for future testing. Our secure facility banking and customer security process prevents any agency, whether governmental or insurance-based to access to your loved one’s DNA. More importantly, our Home Banking allows for personal safe storage and safe keeping.

Come back next week to read part two of our interview with Jeff Harbeson. For more information on DNA Banking click here.

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