A few months ago while on vacation I was driving north and heard an interview with Sir Anthony Hopkins on our local NPR radio station, KQED. I had no idea that, in addition to playing the roles like Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs, Sir Anthony Hopkins is also a musical composer. I had the pleasure of listening to a most fascinating interview with Sir Anthony. He was raised in Wales and has had an interesting life exploring his many talents, including writing bits and pieces of music over the years. Although there is no lyrics to this composition, the feeling evoked along with the title offers an intense musical experience.
On the cusp of my vacation return, I bring you a piece he wrote over 50 years ago that moved me the first time I heard it, entitled “And The Waltz Goes On.” In his interview, he revealed the true title to be, “Someone Died, And The Waltz Goes On.” Listen to Andre’ Rieu & his Johann Strauss Orchestra performing “And The Waltz Goes On” live in Maastricht, Netherlands. Everyday the waltz of life continues to play for us at SevenPonds, and I often enjoy this piece while at my computer, a hauntingly beautiful and uplifting composition. Hopefully you’ll agree.