A Look at the Growing Trend of Pet Hospice

Why palliative care for pets is becoming a more popular option for those facing the death of a beloved companion

If you’ve ever dealt with the loss of a beloved pet, you know just how hard it can be letting go of someone who has been there for you year-in and year-out, through thick and thin. More and more, we treat our furry friends like family – in life and in death, pets deserve to be loved and treated with dignity. They dedicate their lives to loving us unconditionally, and when the prognosis is dire, we have a duty to do all we can to minimize their suffering and maximize quality of life.

Image of an elderly man and dog as he considers pet hospice

In the past, this has presented many animal lovers with a difficult decision: have their loved ones go through expensive medical procedures and treatments to extend the animal’s life as long as reasonably possible (procedures which are often detrimental to the pet’s quality of life), or euthanize their companions to put their suffering to an end. Luckily, this has begun to change due to the rise in popularity of pet hospice.

What is Pet Hospice?

In short, pet hospice is almost identical to hospice for humans. Hospice care – also called palliative care – seeks to alleviate suffering and maximize comfort at the end of life, instead of aggressively fighting the root causes of the prognosis. This is done in-home, usually with help from family and friends, as well as from trained professionals. My personal experience with traditional hospice care was a great one, and I can tell you it made a difficult transitional period much more bearable for everyone involved. Hospice for pets works like hospice for humans, but with one major difference – with pets we have the option to euthanize when and if the time comes.

Why Choose Pet Hospice?

Pet hospice is becoming a more popular choice for pet owners for lots of reasons. Not only does it help with the animal’s suffering, but it can also be a great help to all parties going through a difficult transition and preparing for the inevitable. Hospice also means less time at the vet and less aggressive treatments that can leave you, your beloved companion, and your wallet suffering unduly. I realize it sounds a little coarse to mention money in this context, but it’s a reality that financial concerns are often a top priority when making these decisions, and it must be addressed. For a great article on why pet hospice is the right choice for many pets and owners, try this one from the NY Times. 

image of an elderly cat in pet hospice

Is Pet Hospice the Right Choice for You and Your Furry Friend?

To be sure, hospice is not a one-size-fits-all solution for end-of-life issues. It is, however, something you should consider before you get that dreaded news that we all know will come someday. Talk to your vet now. Veterinary professionals can now be certified in end-of-life care, and there is a growing network of organizations (like AHELP) specializing in this kind of care. Chances are your vet can steer you in the right direction to make the best decisions for your pet and your family. Being informed about this option before that fateful day arrives can make things much easier when the time comes.

We all want the best for our pets, but it’s often difficult to know what’s best when we get the ultimate bad news. We owe it to them to be informed and proactive when it comes to their health and safety. Death is no different – they give us their lives, and should be allowed to die with dignity and the greatest degree of comfort possible. Consider hospice when the time comes, and until then, cherish every day with the ones you love. 

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