Despite Trevor Hall’s young age, his song “Mirror of the Sky” reflects an old soul. The contemplative lyrics are a dialogue between Hall and his inner self, in which the songwriter asks, “Mirror of the sky, What is on your mind?…Will we ever meet?”

The song reminds us that, when we experience loss, we also feel lost, as if we’ve lost a little bit of ourselves.
“When the daylight comes,
I can’t see the sun
I can only feel the rain.
Is my heart at war
Well I don’t know for sure…
I have lost the reigns
All my horses are insane
A blind man rolls my dice…”
Yet, Hall’s lyrics also show us that we can find a way out of this place of loneliness and confusion by simply remembering that we were once full of wonder and saw meaning in the world:
“Do you remember when the oceans sang in hymns?
Do you remember when the stars used to play?
Do you remember when we used to share our food?
Well, I do every second of the day.”
If you ever need a reminder that your thoughts create your reality, take a moment to enjoy “Mirror of the Sky,” and soak up its message — that even in your darkest and most isolated moments, just remembering a brighter day can oftentimes make it so.
Watch the video with the full lyrics provided below.