“How to Plant a Tree, A Simple Celebration of Tree-Planting Ceremonies” by Daniel Butler

The perfect book to accompany a gifted memorial seedling


how to plant a tree book cover“How to Plant a Tree, A Simple Celebration of Tree-Planting Ceremonies” by Daniel Butler is a sturdy little hardbound book worthy of gift giving, perhaps alongside a ribbon- wrapped memorial seedling. This sweet book covers all types of ceremonies, such as a new baby, a marriage, new beginnings, an anniversary, a retirement, and of course a memorial. In fact, one of the most common reasons people choose to hold a tree planting ceremony is to honor the memory of a loved one who has died. Today it is even quite common for a bereaved family to pass out memorial seedlings as keepsakes at a funeral or memorial service.

“This is no time for the impatience of youth, but instead a time to show a real long term commitment to the future by planting a long-lived, slow-growing tree, such as a sequoia, oak, or olive.”

“New Beginnings” page 81

The book’s introduction begins by exploring our human affinity with trees, discussing how reliant we are on them for all aspects of our lives. Trees provide fruits and nuts for food, protection and shelter, lumber to build with, tools, the mobility of vehicle tires, boats and more. The author notes how trees are woven into all global cultures and religion in a variety of ways. “How to Plant a Tree” then sums up our larger relationship, “We know that trees are the ‘lungs of the planet,’ and we need them to live and breathe.” This is a beautiful analogy juxtaposed with the life of a loved one that has ceased to exist. Through disposition, those we love become one with nature again, like a fallen tree on the forest floor. In the act of planting a memorial seedling, their memory continues for many years in the beautiful glory of a grown tree. Hence the reason I had to include this book in our library.

A page from "How to Plant a Tree"

Reading “How to Plant a Tree” in the redwoods

“The Mayans believed in a world tree whose roots, trunk, and branches connected the underworld with the sky and the living.”

“In Memorium,” pg. 121

Illustration from "How to Plant a Tree"Trees can mark momentous moments in our lives. “How to Plant a Tree” is divided into chapters that discuss 12 different celebrations or occasions. Each chapter explores an occasion and its relationship to trees through known meanings, values and rituals around the world. The author even suggests a few tree specimens for each, giving details about the trees’ significance along with illustrations. A variety of helpful topics are also interspersed throughout the book, such as how to grow a tree from seeds; how to plant a tree; how to encourage wildlife; how to grow a bonsai; and even some to unexpected gems like how to lay a hedge.

“The most important thing is that the living can connect to their loved one wth a vibrant, growing memorial.”

“In Memoriam,” page 121

“How to Plant a Tree” is not just about seedlings. It covers the full bandwidth, including large balled and burlapped trees too. If you are planting a large, well-established tree to honor someone, this book is the one for you. My only caveat is that each chapter begins with two ink-colored pages (for lovely graphic interest), which causes the small text to be a bit difficult to read. But this is a minor complaint. “How to Plant a Tree” is an exquisite little book worthy of a remembrance gift.

“By planting a tree in an ash-lined pit, the physical essence of a person will be incorporated into the cells of a tree that will live on for many more decades, centuries, even millennia.”

“In Memoriam,” Page 120

Monuments and gravestones are becoming a thing of the past, replaced with new meaningful expressions of love such as planting a living tree to carry the memory of loved one through time. Butler’s wonderful book teaches us more about these kinds of ceremonies and rituals and how to incorporate them into our lives.

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