Our Tip of the Week: Lawyers often charge by the hour, which is an excellent investment to ensure that your Last Will and Testament is legal in the state where you currently reside. However, if you are not familiar with what a legal will entails, the fees can be even more costly. You can save time and money by purchasing a will kit, which is a template for you to fill out with your wishes. It will also save you the stress of wondering where to start! Having the completed document reviewed by an attorney is a far more cost-effective process than “going in cold.”

Writing a legal Will doesn’t have to be stressful!
(Credit: usnews.com)
How-to Suggestion: When purchasing a will kit, be sure that it is specific to the state in which you live. Some online will kits may not reflect the laws of your state and often overlook nuances of personal relationships that you may wish to have reflected in that document. The best place to obtain a will kit is from your local registry office. Keep in mind that will kits are a great starting point; have the document reviewed by an attorney to ensure that nothing is missing or inaccurate. Some lawyers will do this on a discounted or pro-bono (free) basis, so check out your local resources, and don’t wait!
For a more in-depth explanation of the benefits and pitfalls of do-it-yourself estate planning, check out this article.