Our Weekly Tip: Water-Soluble and Eco-Friendly Urns for Cremated Ashes

The environmentally friendly option for water scattering and burial of your loved one's cremains
Biodegradable shell urn

A biodegradable urn
(Credit: usurnsonline.com)

Our Tip of the Week: If you’d like to do a water scattering or burial of your loved one’s ashes, there are a number of water-soluble and eco-friendly cremation urns available. Rather than actually having to pour out the remains, you can place the ashes in an urn which will biodegrade by itself. As the tides flow, the remains of your loved one will slowly dissolve within the beauty of an aquatic environment.

flowers and biodegradable cremation urn floating at sea

Credit: yelp.com

How-To Suggestion: The Biodegradable Shell Urn is a fantastic option for water scattering and burial (the shell urn will dissolve whether it’s in water or in the earth). When placed in water, the shell will float briefly before sinking. If interred, the shell will break down and become one with the earth over time. The eco-friendly urn is made from a mixture of clay minerals and natural plant fibers, which help soak up water in order to dissolve the shell faster.

Plan a ritual and toss the urn from the shore or a dock, or from a boat, which is often best. Toss your urn along with a handful of fair-trade, fair-earth or organic flowers. When the urn briefly floats, so will the ceremonial flowers, as you and your guests watch in contemplation as the urn sinks out of view. You may want to stay and watch as the tide floats the flowers out towards the horizon, symbolically moving your loved one forward into the great beyond.

To learn more about organic and sustainably grown flowers and get suggestions on where to purchase them, read this article on our website.

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