Our Monthly Tip: Choose a Modern Spin on Memorial Flowers

Ditch the dark & dreary traditional designs and inject some color with modern memorial flowers

Our Tip of the Month

Memorial flowers are a great way to honor your beloved after their passing, but the flowers don’t need to stick to traditional, stuffy arrangements. If your loved one liked to think outside of the box, was young in age or in spirit, or generally had a colorful effect on people’s lives, why not choose flowers to reflect that?

How-to Suggestions

Here we have collected seven designs guaranteed to inspire your modern celebration of life. These floral designs are unique and unexpected and are a great way to turn 180 degrees from the dark, somber services of the past. You can express the personality of your loved one with flair and color. These memorial flowers can be placed on the eulogy table, food tables, or given as a gift sent or hand-carried to the service.

Use your beloved’s favorite color to express who they were. Hang colorful paper as a backdrop for the eulogy to pop the flowers all the more. Backdrop paper can be purchased online or at a local crafts store.

Display the memorial flowers in a playful fashion. This option is perfect for the service of a child whose life was eclipsed much too soon.

For an at-home celebration of life, adding colorful candles and a few personal objects of the loved one on the mantle sets the tone for a modern celebration of life. The unusual memorial flowers in vibrant colors are a stark contrast to the dark, dusty affairs of the past.

If the choice of memorial flowers must appease others who are more traditional in their thinking, this arrangement walks a lovely line between traditional and modern.

Elevate the level of color with a checkered-painted pedestal. A color burst is a wonderful way to express a teenager’s missed energy.

Here is an ideal play of color and shapes for an infant’s ceremony. The tomatoes could be replaced with children’s toy balls. The playfully shaped candle can be lit as part of the service or glow at each table during the meal.

Sweet as pie, this floral design reflects a sweet girl’s life never to be forgotten.

Whatever design you choose, it’s good to know there are memorial flower options out there that are as unique and varied as the people we encounter in life.

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