Our Monthly Tip: Patch Together Song Lyrics for a Special Eulogy

Use lyrics from your beloved's favorite songs to piece together a unique eulogy

Our Tip of the Month

When faced with writing a eulogy, many family members may feel unsure of what to say, how long it should be, and how to deliver these final words. However, making the eulogy into a family project may allow everyone to feel like they are part of the service. Constructing the big speech from patched-together song lyrics is a collaborative option for eulogies.

How-to Suggestions

You can ask your family members to contribute to the eulogy by sending a verse or two of song lyrics that reflect their thoughts of the beloved. They can take one from an existing song or write their own verse. Inspire them to select from a song expressing who that person was or what they remember or how they were special to them. With each family member’s permission, assign them a number to mark their place in the sequence. Then each person takes turns in the order assigned to stand and read their verse(s).

song lyrics and a dried pink rose

The eulogy given by many guests will add a spontaneous element to the service. Each family member will get the chance to share a few words, and together, their chosen song lyrics will help create a loving tribute to the person who died. A fun and heart-warming aspect will be created in the knitting together of styles and meaningful words offered by guests.

When you ask for family members (or other guests) to contribute to the song lyric-filled eulogy, you can offer them a link to our Expressive Music section, which is full of songs about loss, memories, and finding joy. You can also encourage guests to choose their verses from poetry, by offering our collection of poetry, The Next Chapter.

song lyrics to a love song by Aerosmith

Lyrics from Aerosmith’s I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing

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One Response to Our Monthly Tip: Patch Together Song Lyrics for a Special Eulogy

  1. avatar Alicia Orangna says:

    I love this! What a lovely idea. Bless you for the idea.

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