“Let’s Not Be Kidding,” a new podcast series created by comedian Gavin Crawford, offers a realistic, yet lighthearted perspective on navigating a parent’s dementia diagnosis. The podcast chronicles both challenging and humorous moments throughout his mother’s dementia journey. Described as part memoir, part stand-up, and part support group, this seven-part series reminds us that a story of sorrow can still possess whimsical moments.
It has been several years since Gavin and his family realized his mother, Donna, has dementia. Gavin noted that when your mother mistakes you for a teenage crush and asks you to the high school dance, you laugh. And as a comedian, actor and writer, Gavin knows that laughter can get people through tough times. In his introductory trailer for the “Let’s Not Be Kidding” podcast series, he stated, “I’m trying to find a way to talk about the harrowing and hilarious experiences I’ve had dealing with my mother’s increasing dementia. Because anyone that has been on this journey, or has dealt with long grief, knows there’s jokes to be had and you kind of need to have them.”
Gavin admitted he has been sidestepping conversations about his mother’s decline for years as it is a difficult subject to broach. He also recognized how he no longer refers to his mother’s antics, isms, and anecdotal humor in stand-up routines, as he once did years ago. As Donna is now wheelchair-bound and nearly non-verbal, Gavin decided he needed to talk about his feelings. The podcast also highlights stories of the vibrant woman his mother used to be, as Gavin recalls how funny she was prior to the Alzheimer’s diagnosis.
“Let’s Not Be Kidding” is a culmination of emotional exploration and remembrance. Episode 1, “Another Day, Another Donna,” includes recollections of his mother; how she would often speak too softly when ordering food, but too loudly when commenting on a nearby diner’s hairdo for all to hear. Gavin also shared audio clips of his most recent interactions with his mother, who sometimes circles in her wheelchair to no avail. These poignant memories and present moments are intertwined throughout each episode amid conversations with his younger sister, Regan, and her husband Kyle, as well as personal stories of close friends whose families are also affected by dementia.
And like many families, Gavin questioned whether he ignored signs of his mother’s decline when they first began: the changes in her shopping habits, the random phone calls intended for someone else and other unusual behaviors. Gavin further recalled the moment when he first realized something was definitively wrong — that her normal was no longer that. His honesty is very moving and surely familiar to too many families impacted by a loved one’s dementia diagnosis.
The show’s namesake, “Let’s Not Be Kidding,” was a phrase often used by his mother. Whether you are familiar with Gavin Crawford or not, he lists his comedic resume’ and then invites you to listen, stating, “You might remember me from some of those things, all of those things or you might not remember me at all, if you’re my mother.” If laughter is truly the best medicine, this thought-provoking series chock full of intimate wit and wisdom is certainly a worthwhile dose of it for all.
Episodes of the CBC: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation podcast series, “Let’s Not Be Kidding,” were released on May 1, 2023. They are available for streaming on CBC Listen. They are also available on Apple and Spotify.