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Funeral Favors Offer Visitors a Tangible Memento:
Printed or engraved items allow for a personal touch -
“Comeback” by Prince:
Prince expresses his grief over the loss of his infant son -
“Other Side” Documents Woman’s Fight To Die As She Wishes:
Film paints intimate portrait of an activist and her family as she wins rights for herself and others
Tag Archives: Crematorium
“Body Brokers: Inside America’s Underground Trade in Human Remains,” by Annie Cheney
A 2006 book that by all rights should have caused a sensation
It’s hard to imagine subject matter more cringe-worthy than the for-profit tissue and body business. Perhaps this explains the relative obscurity of Annie Cheney’s “Body Brokers: Inside America’s Underground Trade in Human Remains,” a muckraking exposé on this for-profit, shockingly … Continue reading
Posted in Lending Insight
Tagged Annie Cheney, Body Brokers the book, Book Review, Cremation, Crematorium, Organ Donor, tissue and body donation
Body Transportation is Less Regulated Than You Might Think
In some states, transportation of bodies only requires a driver's license
If you live in Pennsylvania or New Jersey and own a car, you could start a new career transporting bodies to funeral homes or crematoriums — all it takes is a valid driver’s license. The New York Times points out … Continue reading
Crematorium in Amiens Combines Science with Art
An architect creates a soothing, functional space for families
When you hear the word “crematorium,” it is rarely accompanied by the word “beautiful.” Recently, however, the architectural firm Plan 01 set out to change this common perception with two unique crematoriums, the Rennes Métropole Crematorium and the Crematorium in Amiens in France. Both buildings … Continue reading
A Look at Japanese Funeral Practices
Cultural traditions in a country with a cremation rate of almost 100 percent
Japan has the highest cremation rate in the world at over 99 percent, with some local governments even banning burials. Cremation was reserved for the rich until after World War II. However, once the cleanliness and efficiency of the practice … Continue reading
Creating New Life from Death
The Ashwinlkumar Crematorium of Surat, India
We are wrapping up our focus on India today, in honor of Gandhi’s birthday and the International Day of Nonviolence, with a look at the beautiful Ashwinlkumar Crematorium in Surat, India. The architecture of this structure pays respect to its … Continue reading
Posted in Soulful Expressions
Tagged Architecture, Art, Cremation, Crematorium, Gandhi, India, Surat
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