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Funeral Favors Offer Visitors a Tangible Memento:
Printed or engraved items allow for a personal touch -
“Comeback” by Prince:
Prince expresses his grief over the loss of his infant son -
“Other Side” Documents Woman’s Fight To Die As She Wishes:
Film paints intimate portrait of an activist and her family as she wins rights for herself and others
Tag Archives: Modern Art
Andy Warhol’s “Death and Disaster” Series
The loosely connected works employ repetition to convey our desensitization to death and disaster
Andy Warhol is without a doubt one of the more popular and well-known 20th century artists. Most people associate Warhol with his repetitive, advertisement-based art such as the “Campbell’s Soup Cans” piece. Warhol frequently employed the use of repetition to … Continue reading
Posted in Soulful Expressions
Tagged 20th Century Art, Andy Warhol, car crash, Death and Disaster, Modern Art, Pop Art, Soulful Expressions
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“Pharmacy” Asks Us To Consider Medicine and The Fragility of Life
Damien Hirst reminds us that medicine serves only a short-term purpose
Damien Hirst has always been a provocateur of sorts, and is one of contemporary art’s more controversial and well-respected figures. Much of his work explores death and the fragility of life, and his 1992 room-sized installation “Pharmacy” falls neatly into … Continue reading
In the Eyes of Others: Jodie Carey
A look at Carey’s awe-inspiring art installation confronts the way we consider death and mortality in regards to ourselves and to others
Born in 1981, Jodie Carey is a London-based artist whose work is well-known for its focus on mortality and the way we perceive and experience life and death (specifically in contemporary Western society). One installation in particular – “In the … Continue reading
Posted in Soulful Expressions
Tagged Art, Bones, Chandelier, Death, In the Eyes of Others, Jodie Carey, Jodie Carey art, Life, London, Modern Art, Mortality, Sculpture
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Breathing Light: James Turrell at LACMA
A retrospective of artist James Turrell's work offers a personal, spiritual experience to viewers
Artist James Turrell (b. 1943, Los Angeles) played a pivotal role in the West Coast’s Light and Space Movement during the 1960s and 70s. The movement was rooted in the flexibility of perception and manipulation of space, and Turrell’s pieces … Continue reading
Dissolving into Form
Eva Hesse's art comes into being even as it falls apart much like the life she led
Eva Hesse’s (1936-1970) artwork is falling to pieces. The industrial materials that she worked with – latex, fiberglass, plastic – are deteriorating. They have a limit to their life and show signs of this. The fiberglass resin, which Hesse chose … Continue reading
Posted in Soulful Expressions
Tagged Art, Collections, Deterioration, Eva Hesse, Expiration, Loss, Modern Art, postminimalism, Right After., Sans II, SFMOMA
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Andy Warhol: A Life in Time Capsules
The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania reveals the pop artist's beyond-the-grave masterpiece
The employees of the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, have been going through a lot of dirty laundry lately. Cataloguers are currently in the lengthy process of sifting through the life contents of the late Andy Warhol, in what … Continue reading
Posted in Soulful Expressions
Tagged Andy Warhol, Beyond the Grave, Modern Art, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Pop Art, The Factory, Time Capsules
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