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Funeral Favors Offer Visitors a Tangible Memento:
Printed or engraved items allow for a personal touch -
“Comeback” by Prince:
Prince expresses his grief over the loss of his infant son -
“Other Side” Documents Woman’s Fight To Die As She Wishes:
Film paints intimate portrait of an activist and her family as she wins rights for herself and others
Tag Archives: Native American Burial Rituals
Ohlone Shellmound Buried Beneath the Emeryville Shopping Center
An ancient burial ground's tragic history of conquest and carelessness
Before the Spanish arrived in the 1700s, the Bay Area was home to the Ohlone people. But little evidence remains to tell their story. After all, Histories tend to bury those that come before—a brutal truth embodied by the Ohlone … Continue reading
Wampanoag Burial Traditions
We revisit the end-of-life practices of one of the most famous Native American tribes
With Thanksgiving underway, we look to the funeral traditions of perhaps the most famous of the Native American peoples: the Wampanoag. It is estimated that these Native Americans lived in the New England region for over 10,000 years, with over … Continue reading
Posted in Cultural Perspectives
Tagged burial traditions, Cole's Hill, Death, end-of-life, Native American, Native American Burial Rituals, Native Americans in the United States, New England, Plymouth, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving history, Thanksgiving tradition, Wampanoag, Wampanoag people