Welcome to the SevenPonds.com blog – a community-driven extension of SevenPonds.com! I hope you find comfort and community in the resources and stories featured here. I’m always happy to hear from readers and can be reached at suzette@sevenponds.com.
Funeral Favors Offer Visitors a Tangible Memento:
Printed or engraved items allow for a personal touch -
“Comeback” by Prince:
Prince expresses his grief over the loss of his infant son -
“Other Side” Documents Woman’s Fight To Die As She Wishes:
Film paints intimate portrait of an activist and her family as she wins rights for herself and others
Tag Archives: Tragedy
Art World Responds to Orlando Shooting
Less than a week after the Orlando Tragedy, artists speak out
On the night of Saturday, June 11, 2016, Omar Mateen opened fire at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, killing 49 people, injuring 53, and irrevocably changing the lives of countless more. Most of the victims were young LGBTQ Latinos and … Continue reading
What are the Effects of Trauma? – An Interview with Carolyn Lunsford Mears
Understanding the full effects of trauma from death on those who've survived a life-changing event
In 1999, Carolyn Mears’ son was a student at Columbine High School in Colorado, where a horrifying mass shooting claimed the lives of 12 students and 1 teacher. She now serves as dissertation advisor and adjunct faculty at the University … Continue reading
Posted in Professional Advice
Tagged Aurora Theater Shooting, Bowling For Columbine, Columbine, Columbine High School, Columbine Killing, Columbine Shooting, Coping With Sudden Death, Coping With Unexpected Loss, Grief, Healing, PTSD, Survivor guilt, Tragedy, trauma, Trauma From Death, Traumatic Event
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea (1998)
As frontman Jeff Mangum makes his return, we take a look back at Neutral Milk Hotel's musical masterpiece about death
Jeff Mangum – singer, songwriter, auteur, recluse, and enigmatic frontman of late ‘90s indie outfit Neutral Milk Hotel – was inspired to write his magnum opus because of Anne Frank. At least, that’s the theory espoused by the (many) fans … Continue reading
Communication on 9/11
Phone Calls and Text Messages from September 11th
“Hi Jules, this is Brian. Listen, I’m on an airplane that’s been hijacked. If things don’t go well…I just want you to know I absolutely love you, I want you to do good, have a good time…same to my parents … Continue reading
Posted in A Rite of Passage
Tagged 9/11, Loss of a Loved One, September 11 attacks, Texting, Tragedy