Welcome to the SevenPonds.com blog – a community-driven extension of SevenPonds.com! I hope you find comfort and community in the resources and stories featured here. I’m always happy to hear from readers and can be reached at suzette@sevenponds.com.
“As Tears Go By” by Marianne Faithfull:
How a poignant song gained gravitas through the artist's life experiences -
“The Sea” by John Banville:
An astounding representation of the grieving mind -
Funeral Favors Offer Visitors a Tangible Memento:
Printed or engraved items allow for a personal touch
Tag Archives: UCSF
What Kinds of Stressors Do Cancer Patients Face and How Can A Social Worker Help Ease The Burden?
An interview with Leah Hellerstein, LCSW, Part Two
Leah Hellerstein, LCSW has worked at the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center for about three years as an outpatient oncology social worker. She can work with any of the cancer patients who may come through the hospital’s doors. … Continue reading
Posted in Professional Advice
Tagged Cancer, Cancer Center, cancer patient, Cancer stress, LCSW, Leah Hellerstein, Stress, Stressor, UCSF
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What Kinds of Stressors Does A Cancer Patient Face and How Can A Social Worker Help To Ease The Burden?
An interview with Leah Hellerstein, licensed clinical social worker, Part One
Leah Hellerstein, LCSW has worked at the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center for about three years as an outpatient oncology social worker. She can work with any cancer patient that comes through the hospital’s doors. She will soon … Continue reading
Posted in Professional Advice
Tagged breast cancer, Cancer, cancer stressors, LCSW, Leah Hellerstein, Lung cancer, Melanoma, Social Worker, Stress, UCSF, UCSF Cancer Center
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How Can Caregivers Support Patients Without Suffering Themselves? An Interview with Judy Long
A hospital chaplain discusses how to both protect and open our hearts to loved ones
Today, SevenPonds speaks with Judy Long, an educator and chaplain at UCSF Medical Center in San Francisco. In her role as a chaplain, she communicates with patients, families, caregivers, physicians and nurses to find the best possible care plan. Judy … Continue reading
Turn Back the Clock: Reversing the Effects of Aging?
Scientists are working to reverse certain effects of aging like muscle and memory loss -- but what is the key ingredient to "turning back the clock"?
“When I first heard this story from Tony Wyss-Coray, I thought it was absolutely amazing,” said Rudolph Tanzi, professor of neurology at Harvard. “I thought it was too good to be true.” Wyss-Coray was referring to the recent progress made … Continue reading
Posted in Science of Us
Tagged Aging, Alzheimer's, Blood Plasma, effects of aging, Memory Loss, Reverse aging, Saul Villeda, Stanford, UCSF
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Calico Picks Up Steam: Cynthia Kenyon Joins Google ‘Anti-Death’ Project
UCSF geneticist Cynthia Kenyon joins Google’s new biotech company to explore death, aging, and end of life diseases.
This week, it was announced that high profile UCSF geneticist Cynthia Kenyan will be joining the new Google start-up “Calico.” Kenyan is renowned in the genetic research community for exploring anti-aging technology, and her addition to the Google team is … Continue reading
Posted in Science of Us
Tagged Aging, Anti-death, Calico, Cynthia Kenyan, Death, Dr. Kenyan, end-of-life, Google, Google calico, Larry Page, UCSF
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Letter to Suzette from an MD at UCSF Hospital
Dr. Dawn Gross reached out to SevenPonds to help find someone to vigil at the bedside of a dying patient who had no family
Hello Suzette, I want to thank you again for all that you did so immediately on behalf of a total stranger! Though none of your attempted connections came through directly the world is small and intention powerful so my patient … Continue reading