A portion of the profits from each book are donated to support research dedicated to finding a cure for cancer.
Jen Meyers is an author best known for her work in the Young Adult, New Adult, and contemporary romance genres. But she’s also the creator and designer of a series of “totally inappropriate self-affirming adult coloring books,” including “You’re Totally Badass,” “Love *Not* Hate,” and the one we’ll be reviewing here, “F*ck Cancer.”
“If you are fighting cancer, this is for you. If you’ve lost someone to cancer like I have, this is for you. If cancer affects your life in any way, this is for you.”
“F*ck Cancer” is an adult coloring book for those who have been affected by cancer.
Meyers shares her story on a single welcome page. And with a few short sentences, you learn how her brother lived — and died — fighting cancer. In the wake of his death, she created the “F*ck Cancer” adult coloring book for others who are on similar journeys.
There are 35 different designs inside, ranging from detailed geometric mandalas to bucolic, floral scenes, full-page heart shapes, animal hovels, and more. Because each page is a single-sided design, it’s easy to pull a page out to send to someone, frame, or share in another way.
Keep in mind that the pages are slightly thin. They work well with colored pencils and crayons, but if you want to use markers or Sharpies like I did, take care to put another piece of paper behind the page you’re working on so it doesn’t bleed through.
The feedback in most reviews found on Amazon say that “F*ck Cancer” has given many people something to smile about during some of the darkest times of their lives.
Many have used it as an activity they can do during chemotherapy or while waiting for a loved one in treatment.
Coloring can be a mindful and creative activity. Because it has the ability to refocus attention on the present moment, it’s often associated with reducing stress, anxiety, and depression — which can be a benefit to those dealing with the seemingly inescapable stress of cancer day in and day out.
In fact, two studies, one published in 2006 and a separate one in 2019, found the use of mindfulness-based art therapy for women with cancer helped to significantly reduce their physical and emotional distress during treatment and improve their health-related quality of life.
In addition to providing an avenue to reap the benefits of a low-pressure, mindfully creative activity, the messaging throughout the adult coloring book is very encouraging. As much as the book delivers the “inappropriate” part of its tagline (and it does not disappoint!), it also delivers the “self-affirming” part tenfold.
And it’s all of those elements combined that makes “F*ck Cancer” such a unique, fun, and positive gift for anyone dealing with the beast of cancer.