Our Monthly Tip: Consider Live Music for a Celebration of Life

One musician can make an event as unique as the person you're celebrating
A woman with long, wavy hair sits cross-legged on the floor as she plays the hang drum, a metal, oblong-shaped instrument

The hang drum is surprisingly melodic to hear, and encourages a gathering of the community.
Credit: Unsplash

Our Tip of the Month

One musician playing live music has a unique ability to evoke emotion, foster connection and offer solace during times of loss. At a memorial service or celebration of life, live music can create an atmosphere of reflection and healing, offering attendees a shared space to honor the departed while processing their grief. The gentle strum of a singular guitar, the soulful sound of a piano or the poignant voice of a singer can convey feelings that words often cannot, helping to ease the emotional weight of the occasion.

A woman with long, brown hair is playing the violin while wearing a neutral-tone, button-down cardigan

Always a favorite, the violin’s sweet sound elicits memories.
Credit: Unsplash

Music has long been associated with memory and emotion, making it a powerful tool to celebrate the life of a loved one. A meaningful song or melody can evoke cherished memories, provide a sense of continuity and remind attendees of the joy their loved one brought into the world. Whether it’s a favorite tune of the departed or a piece selected to reflect their spirit, live music transforms the service into a deeply personal and cathartic experience, helping mourners find healing, comfort and connection in the midst of their loss.

A person playing the harp is dramatically backlit, creating an aura of light around the instrument and musician

Rarely considered, a harp can be most fitting and poignant for a memorial.
Credit: Unsplash

How-To Suggestions:

  • Consider the unique type of soothing music you want to hear, as well as what kinds of music the person loved.
  • All music can be healing, but you want to strike the right tone to reflect the mood of the celebration.
  • When planning your memorial celebration, understand that solo artists convey a different vibe than a band or a small group. Solo performances typically call for thoughtful reflection and contemplation of the music inviting a collective sense of healing.
We are looking at a woman with shoulder-length curly hair facing away from us as she plays the flute in an orchestral performance

Is there anything more captivating than listening to the dulcet tones of a flute?
Credit: Unsplash

Several items are scattered across a wooden surface, including sheet music, a pencil, a harmonica, and an open harmonica case

Although unconventional, the harmonica is capable of producing hauntingly soulful music, perfect for a memorial.
Credit: Unsplash

A man in traditional Celtic garb plays live music on the bagpipes.

Bagpipes are often played at law enforcement and military funerals. They convey a solemn, traditional and beautiful sense of grandiosity.
Credit: Unsplash

A woman in an all-white room (and dressed in loose, flowing, white clothing) plays live music on a set of crystal bowls with wooden mallets

Nothing is more entrancing than the sound of crystal bowls as they sing and vibrate into the shared space.
Credit: Unsplash

A young woman plays live music on a very large stringed instrument called the Russian Balalaika

A Russian Balalaika has a wide range of tones, evoked by either strumming or plucking of the strings.
Credit: Unsplash

We can see a heavily-tattooed arm and hands of someone playing the banjo, which is likewise "tattooed" with graphics

The banjo, although typically an unexpected guest at a memorial service, can be just the right touch of eccentricity for a person being honored who liked to stir things up.
Credit: Unsplash

A woman's hands gracefully hover over the keys of a piano that has been polished to a sheen

As classic as it gets, a pianist can play and elicit a wide variety of sounds and songs.
Credit: Unsplash

A man dressed in light, neutral-toned clothing holds a hand drum to his lap as he plays it with his fingers

A hand drum adds a background rhythm to the activities for a celebration of life
Credit: Unsplash

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