What Happened When an Assisted Living Facility Was Abandoned with Residents Still There? An interview with Miles Maker

A true story that broke our hearts becomes a film "If We Left"

Today SevenPonds speaks with Miles Maker, both an Executive and Creative Producer for an (in process) film titled “If We Left.” The film is based on a true story that has received much national coverage. Valley Springs Manor, an assisted living facility in Northern California’s San Mateo County, was forced to close down due to violations. Sixteen residents were left behind and the cook and the janitor took it upon themselves to stay and care for the residents with no pay. This tragic event led to new California legislation known as the “Residential Care for the Elderly Reform Act of 2014.” Miles Maker, who is based in Los Angeles, is producing this story. He directed “Safeworld” and was involved with”Marriage of Inconvenience“, to name a few.

Miles Maker

Miles Maker
(Credit: filmsnobbery.com)

Suzette: This is such a heartbreaking story. We have not interviewed any filmmakers or producers but this story is just so compelling. I’m so happy to be able to interview you. I’m curious how you got involved in producing this incredible story?

Miles: I heard the story on NPR, Story Corps. I immediately knew I was interested in it as an independent film. How often do you hear about people of color being real life heroes in this world, especially someone making $8.00 an hour. I wanted to do a feel good film about a black and a brown person. Plus something good resulted out of their actions with the California Residential Care for the Elderly Reform Act of 2014. It makes for a great ending too.

Suzette: Then what?

At the time, Maurice Rowland, the cook, and Miguel Alvarez, the janitor, were on all these national talk shows so I knew it was not the time to approach them. I was afraid they’d expect a big studio full of money to be securing them. You know how everyone has their 15 minutes of fame, so I waited. Then when I did want to discuss adapting their story into an independent film, so much time had passed I had difficulty tracking them down. Even NPR had no trail of them. Maurice and Miguel were unemployed, and one of them didn’t even have a cell phone during that time.

Suzette: So you did find them?

If We Left Rowland and Alvarez

The heroes Maurice Rowland, the cook, and Miguel Alvarez, the janitor (Credit: ifweleft.com)

Miles: Yes and we got to know each other, actually forming a friendship. Then I discussed with Maurice and Miguel about producing such a film and signed a contract with them.

Suzette: I think this is a much needed film, especially with the growing aging population. I’m excited about your bringing attention to senior care. I know it’s not an easy topic to get people looking at. I really commend you! 

What’s the timeline for “If We Left?”

If We Left

Credit: ifweleft.com

Miles: I’m going about many different avenues to secure funding while the script is in process. This includes crowd funding through Indiegogo where any amount can be donated. And yes it is not a sexy topic, but it is a story I feel passionate about.

Suzette: Yes, SevenPonds does too, and my goodness, each of us will be a senior some day. 

You mentioned for those in the San Francisco Bay Area, there is a VIP fundraising reception at a spectacular Berkeley venue this June 30th for the film and to raise awareness regarding senior care. I hear Radio Hall of Fame, Ed Baxter will be there. 

Miles: Yes we are excited to have Ed. We welcome those who would like to join in and donate $5 on up to any amount they’d like to give. If you’d like to attend, please email ifweleft@gmail.com for more information.

Suzette: Thanks for speaking with us at SevenPonds and we look forward to the film! 

Miles: Nice speaking with you too!

SevenPonds interrupted our regularly scheduled interview to present this interview with Producer, Miles Maker. We feel passionate about supporting senior care and the film, “If We Left.” Return next week for part two of our interview with Dercas Nidra, where he talks about facing mortality and grief healing in his ceremonies. 

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