“The Funeral” by Matt James is an illustrated children’s book that offers a tender, curious and at times playful exploration of a young girl’s first experience with death. The story follows Norma, a school-aged girl about to attend her first funeral — that of her great-uncle Frank. At the outset, Norma is not particularly concerned with the weight of the occasion. Instead, she’s excited by the prospect of a day off from school and the chance to spend time with her favorite cousin, Ray. As the day unfolds, however, we see the funeral through Norma’s eyes — not as a somber rite, but as a curious, somewhat bewildering event full of small moments and mundane details.
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Bruce Koepp Removes the Mystery Around Autopsies:
Former pathologists' assistant explains how the postmortem process can be healing for the deceased's family -
Our Monthly Tip: Consider Live Music for a Celebration of Life:
One musician can make an event as unique as the person you're celebrating -
“Briefly Perfectly Human” by Alua Arthur:
A death doula explores what it means to live life authentically while facing mortality